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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TMNT Flashback: Mirage Times Vol. 1 No. 17

Earlier today, Ryan Brown posted the first issue of the "Mirage Times," a newsletter sent out to comic retailers in the early 90s. By complete chance tonight, I came across issue number 17 of this same newsletter, so I thought I'd post it to complement Ryan's blog.

Above is the front of the two-page spread, featuring the cover for TMNT Vol. 2 No. 1. On the inside is the newsletter portion, both pages of which are below.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Peter Laird Comments on TMNT Movie Rumors

MTV today posted an interview with TMNT co-creator Peter Laird to set the record straight on the current status of a potential new TMNT movie. You can read the interview in its entirety here.

There really isn't any new information revealed. Everything is the same as it was before people went and freaked out over comments made by Kevin Eastman. However, I would like to make note of these comments:

MTV: Which elements of the original live-action film do you think could benefit from another treatment?
PL: I don’t think the first film needs to be remade, if that’s what you mean. But I would love to see a “Director’s Cut” or special edition of that movie, with some things that were cut out put back in. And although I think it HIGHLY unlikely, I would love to see the first film given a “digital touch-up,” if you will. By that I mean it would be very cool to go through it very carefully and digitally tweak all of the mistakes and goofs — for example, scenes where you can see an actor’s face inside a Turtle’s open mouth, wires hanging off the shell of a Turtle, and so forth.
Here’s one that always bugged me: As Leonardo is exiting April’s apartment, one of his sword hilts rubs against the wall… and it BENDS like rubber (which, in fact, it was, being a “stunt sword”). And taking it a step further, it would be fantastic to utilize digital technology to go back in and tweak and enhance the expressions on the animatronic faces of the Turtles, which in some scenes just don’t work too well.
Concerning his desire to give the 1990 film a "digital touch-up": For the love of pizza, Peter Laird will you just freaking stop trying to fix things that aren't broken. You've already ripped the heart and soul out of the original TMNT 1 comic book, leave the damn movie alone.

The problem with this idiotic statement isn't even the likelihood that it would actually happen, because Peter Laird thankfully doesn't have any power to make it happen, but now we're going to have to deal with stupid people discussing this possibility for the rest of eternity. Please find something better to do with your time people and forget this statement ever happened.

Friday, September 5, 2008

TMNT: Back to the Sewer Preview

Here's a preview of the first episode of TMNT: Back to the Sewer, which premieres on CW4Kids Saturday, September 13. (When the video says "tomorrow" it actually means the 13th.) Be sure to check your local listings to verify the time and station.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why the TMNT Fail at the Internets

It probably wouldn't take too much effort to find a person still convinced that Johnny Woo was, at one point in time, signed and secured to make a TMNT movie. About five years ago I tried to convince a friend of mine that there was absolutely no truth to this, but I don't think he ever fully believed me. Someone asked Kevin Munroe, director of 2007's TMNT movie, the same question at San Diego Comic-Con in 2006. Really, it's the damnedest rumor that just refuses to die. He essentially said it'd be a neat thing to do, but there was nothing more to it than that. No different from me saying that it'd be neat to race Michael Phelps on a big wheel.

But this prevailing rumor also punctuates a key problem with TMNT fandom. Try as some of us may, there is no definitive "Go To" site for a person with a casual interest in TMNT to go to and quickly catch up on the latest news. Those of us who follow it closely know that Steve Murphy's word via The 5th Turtle is good as gold, but from an outsider's perspective, it's just a simple Blogger blog using a default template (same as this site). There is no TheForce.Net or TheOneRing.Net or The-Leaky-Cauldron.Org equivalent.

But sites that report on everything related to movies need to be at the top of the rumor mill, so if there's going to be a new TMNT film, they can't miss out on reporting it. It usually happens like this: Murphy or some other source drops a tidbit of information, discussion on said information partakes at, some lame lurker emails a dozen movie sites with the "tip," and these sites post the information as if it's some big scoop that they have personally discovered. Oooh, impressive.

Over the past several months there have been several hints dropped about the on-going talks for the next TMNT movie from both Steve Murphy and TMNT co-creator Peter Laird. Did any of these statements reach sites like No. But a few days ago discussion starts on The Technodrome regarding a comment TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman made on the message boards regarding the possibilities being discussed for the next movie (which is pretty much in line with everything he stated here, and which is also all in line with what has been hinted at by Steve Murphy and Peter Laird). Now some morons are spreading the comments, to the point where Perez Hilton (you're kidding me, right?) is reporting it as FACT that a new TMNT movie is coming and THIS IS HOW IT IS.

  1. Movie discussions are still in progress and nothing has been finalized.
  2. A live action movie is being discussed as a possibility but, again, nothing has been finalized. According to Murphy, live action is apparently NOT being discussed, so there you go.
  3. When something has been finalized, the information will be released officially by Mirage Studios and their partners, not a message board, no matter who is making the comment.
Oh, and all of you non-TMNT sites: Please stop pretending you know anything about Ninja Turtles, because you don't and it just makes you suck more. If you really want to do something useful, try to convince your readers to convince Warner Brothers to release a Special Edition of the original 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie on DVD. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

TMNT: The Original 1990 Press Kit

In case it's not already obvious, a Press Kit gets constructed and released - to the press - as part of the marketing effort for a film. These days they're all done digitally, compiled onto DVDs. Back in 1990 it was a simple folder loaded with some 8x10 black and white photos and some photocopied production notes.

Instead of focusing on a deleted scene today, I thought I would give typing a break and scan the contents of the press kit for the original movie. After I did that, I ended up typing 20 pages of production notes, so I really didn't save myself from anything.

Below you'll find all of the photos included with the kit as well as an excerpt from the production notes. If you download the complete .zip file, you'll have more production notes to read. One of the reasons I went through with typing 20 pages of these things was that all of the information is really, really unique and interesting, and I'm not sure that there's anywhere else that you can read something similar to this. There are quotes from all of the major players who had a hand in making the movie, including the late and great Jim Henson.

It's really all quite fantastic and I think it will also give you extra appreciation for all of the hard work that people put into this movie to make it the classic it ended up being.

A classic that should receive proper DVD treatment! *ahem*

You can download the complete .zip file here.

Monday, August 25, 2008

TMNT Deleted Scene: Training on the Farm - UPDATE!

I've updated the original post with the "Training on the Farm" deleted scene with two more pictures that I just found. You can check them out fully here.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Comic-Con Interview with Kevin Eastman

"The Stack" talked to TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman at last month's Comic-Con in San Diego about both Turtles and Heavy Metal.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

TMNT Movie Mistakes

This isn't a new video, but I thought it'd be a good supplement to the TMNT Special Edition DVD effort.

All movies are full of little mistakes that their makers hope the movie viewers won't spot, but if you watch something enough times and pay close enough attention, something's bound to stand out as not quite right. My long-time pal and fellow TMNT fan Karen put this video together last year in the wake of the excitement over the release of the 2007 CGI movie.

With well over 600,00 views, it has become one of the most-viewed TMNT videos on YouTube and spent a weekend as one of's top videos. While the video may highlight the mistakes in the film, I believe its popularity is a reflection of the general overall continued popularity of the movie. Surely enough popularity to warrant a Special Edition DVD release.

Monday, August 18, 2008

TMNT Deleted Scene: Training on the Farm

Here is the second deleted scene from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film that I am highlighting in support of the TMNT Special Edition project. Warner Brothers isn't yet convinced that this is a good idea - But they ARE watching us! - so be sure to let them know personally that you want this Special Edition DVD!

This scene is also pretty well documented, and bits and pieces of it can be seen in the actual movie. I've scanned a few stickers, trading cards, and pics taken from a book and magazine from this part, but the lengthy bit from the script might be more interesting to you.

This scene comes immediately after April yells at Casey, "I wouldn't ask for your help if you were the last... "thing" on the face of the planet!" and Casey follows with, "Coming along 'nicely' ..."

Saturday, August 9, 2008

TMNT Deleted Scene: Alternate Ending

This is the first entry in a series to highlight all of the deleted scenes from the original 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. While all of the deleted scenes from the movie are fairly well documented throughout books and comics, we still have yet to see any of these scenes in their entirety. This is a key reason why releasing a Special Edition DVD of this movie is a necessity!

While the movie ended with our heroes triumphant on the rooftop of a building, there was one final scene in the script. This scene had April and Danny in the office of a comic book publisher, trying to pitch the idea of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Here are some photos from that scene, as well as the actual script that was used for filming!

These Turtles Can Dance!

Now THIS is what should have been at Comic-Con last month!!

Stay tuned this weekend for the first major update concerning the TMNT Special Edition DVD campaign!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's Time For a TMNT 1 Special Edition

Fans have made half-hazard efforts to get New Line Cinema (and now, Warner Brothers) to release a special edition of, at least, the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film - if not all three - for many years. The response has consistently been, "We are not interested in that project."

Today, Steve Murphy of Mirage Studios posted the following, a quote of an email sent by Steve Barron, director of the first TMNT film, to a Warner Brothers representative:

"...there has been quite a lot of blogging about a director's special edition of the first movie, particularly in the light of its impending 25th anniversary. I would be very keen to contribute to this idea if you thought it a good one. I have lots of original artwork and even a rough cut with a few extra scenes on tape. I think it would be nice to do a definitive release as the extras have always been very limited."

This is not the first time Barron has made such a comment. In fact, a very similar comment was quoted in a Peter Laird, "Blast From the Past" Web site feature back in late 2001.

With this new spark of inspiration from Murphy and Mr. Barron collectively, perhaps it's time to take the effort to make this project happen seriously. Next year is the 25th anniversary celebration of the TMNT - What better way to celebrate than with a special edition of one of the greatest highlights of that 25 year history? Emails from the same handful of fanboys/fangirls to Warner Brothers aren't going to convince them to change their minds about this project. It's time to get bigger and more visual.

Watch this space for more information coming soon.

If you have graphic design skills or video editing skills, please email me if you're willing to provide hands-on help with this effort.

Monday, August 4, 2008

TMNT Flashback: The Coming Out of Their Shells Tour

The TMNT have a rich 25 year history full of what seems to be an endless stream of interpretations. While many of these are fantastic, there are some not so fantastic bits. If you ask people about what the low lights of the past 25 years have been, there are three common answers: The third movie, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation, and The Coming Out of Their Shells Tour (COOTS). I actually have no dislike for any of these (my personal steaming pile of Turtle puke is Volume 4 of the comic books), and speaking of COOTS in particular, I love every ounce of it.

Oh sure, it's cheesy as hell. It's also probably one of the most blatantly obvious examples of Eastman and Laird "selling out" the Turtles, if you're one to accuse them of that (I, personally, am not). But damn was it a lot of fun for my 6th grade, 11-year-old self. I mean, really a hell of a lot fun. Now I consider it one of my little guilty pleasures, and I love making particular new acquisitions.

So for a spot of fun, here's a look at a few promotional pictures from the tour. The first one (top), oddly, features a Los Angeles manhole cover.

This second picture was part of an Entertainment Weekly article about the tour. You can read the entirety of the article here - As you'll see, the writer wasn't willing to have a spot of fun at all. :p

The last picture also comes from Entertainment Weekly, but this time they were massively confused about what was being written about, as it was included with a movie review of TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze (they gave it a C+).

Friday, August 1, 2008

Comic-Con: Round Up

Hmm, I never did post summaries of Saturday and Sunday. Well, there was nothing of real note to relate on the TMNT front, so I let myself be totally and completely overwhelmed and consumed by the rest of the Con. I'm still recovering, including a slight dose of illness, but it's nothing compared to how deathly ill I got after the Con last year. Anywho, here's a look at some of my TMNT swag from the Con.

Here's what I think became my favorite TMNT acquisition from the Con. I was at the Heavy Metal booth, in Kevin Eastman's sketch line, expecting to get another Turtle sketch. But then I thought about it and it occurred to me that it would be pretty kickass to have a Foot Elite - one of the rare bad guy characters that I absolutely love - drawn by The Master. So that's what I asked for and that's what I got. Not only is it kickass, it's also more unique than a Turtle sketch, of which I already have a couple.

Speaking of which, here's one of them. In each Bodycount hardcover that Kevin sold, he was doing a full sketch of your choice in the front (assuming you were willing to wait in his constantly long line). There are many awesome things about Kevin, but I think it's particularly awesome that he is willing to do such sketches for anyone who asks and he also puts a considerable amount of time and detail into each sketch. And since he's such an awesome guy (and a millionaire), he never ever charges a fee.
(On a related note: Peter Laird charges $20 at Cons for a scribble.)

This last item of note is a sketch of Michaelangelo by my personal favorite of the new batch of TMNT artists, Dario Brizuela.

There are many reasons why I love Comic-Con, and thus continue to attend. The TMNT swag is just a small part of it. Seeing and meeting people I respect and look up to is another small part. A big part of it is the awesome friends that I get to hang out with for the duration; for some of them it's the only time I'll see them for the entire year.

But the other thing I love about Comic-Con is just the general atmosphere. For five days a year 125,000 people gather in one space to celebrate what can be summed up as simple geekdom. We are female and male, we are young and old, and we are all races and nationalities and species (can't forget those Klingons). We love comic books and movies and television and over the course of these five days, they love us back. For the minutes or hours that I'm standing in a line, I can hold a conversation with the person standing next to me because, even though we don't know each other and will probably never meet again, we speak the same language: Geek. And I think it's pretty awesome when you can do that with nearly any of the 125,000 attendees (and sappy, I know).

Friday, July 25, 2008

Comic-Con: Thursday & Friday

So much going on here that I haven't had much time to sit and compose anything coherent.

Thursday the TMNT passports made their debut. There are three booths that you run around to to get stamps and eventually throw your name into a fishbowl to enter a giveaway. But if you aren't at Comic-Con, don't fret - the contest being entered here is exactly the same thing you enter yourself in through the newly launched Web site.

Yesterday afternoon myself and Tokka got to briefly meet and converse with TMNT writer Jake Black and TMNT artist Dario Brizuela, both of whom are fantastic people. I also met with Jake again briefly today. He reports that TMNT director Kevin Munroe is wandering the show floor, though I haven't seen him around myself.

Here's a pic of the back of the manhole cover included with the SDCC exclusive Mouser 3-pack:

You can view all of my Comic-Con photos here, although not all are TMNT-related.

25th Anniversary Press Release


25TH ANNIVERSARY AT COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL is Official Fan Destination for 25th Anniversary

Shell-ebration News, One-of-a-Kind Prizes, Rare Collectibles
and a Special Look at 25 Years of Turtle Power

SAN DIEGO, July 24, 2008 – Mirage Studios, Inc. and 4Kids Entertainment, Inc. announce the launch of an exclusive Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) Website, created for the fans who have made everyone's favorite heroes in a half-shell a staple in pop culture for a quarter of a century., unveiled today at Comic-Con International, is the official destination for the Turtle's 25th Anniversary Shell-ebration in 2009. Fans will have the opportunity to register on the site to receive up-to-the-minute 25th Anniversary information and locations for special events, as well as the chance to win rare collectibles and prizes and much more, via the downloadable Turtles widget.

In addition to the launch of the site at Comic-Con, show attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a pre-Shell-ebration Sweepstakes, which they can enter by collecting stamps on a specially crafted TMNT25 passport at several participating partner booths: (4Kids Entertainment/TC Digital Games LLC (Booth #3351), uclick LLC (Booth #1217), and National Entertainment Collectibles Association (NECA) (Booth #4345). Once all the stamps are collected and the passport tear-sheet is handed in, fans are entered to win a number of special prizes including a signed NECA TMNT collectible toy set, a Raphael costume from Disguise, Inc. and a mobile phone from uclick.

Additionally, by participating in the pre-Shell-ebration Sweepstakes, fans will be automatically entered in an online TMNT Cyber Sweepstakes, where they will have the chance to win rare copies of Gobbledygook, the limited Mirage Studios comic series which previewed the Turtles back in 1984, each signed by Turtles co-creators Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman.

"Launching the TMNT25 Website is an exciting first step for Mirage Studios in the multi-faceted Shell-ebration of our historic milestone," said Gary Richardson, CEO of Mirage Studios. "This will be the go-to place for our fans to log on to reminisce in Turtles' multi-media history, as well as receive the latest news on all the exciting anniversary initiatives in which they can participate."

Peppercom, a strategic communications agency, and its experiential marketing division, Peppercommotions, will manage, as well as the various Shell-ebration events.

"We're confident that the TMNT25 Website will help generate a strong buzz for fans and serve as an important promotional resource for Turtles' licensees, partners and retailers," said Rosalind Nowicki, Executive Vice President, Marketing & Licensing, 4Kids Entertainment. "The Shell-ebration will bring back nostalgic memories, as well as create exciting new experiences for TMNT fans of all ages."

Throughout 2008 and 2009, the TMNT25 team will host several interactive initiatives for fans during the action-packed anniversary, including nationwide tours, events and activities including "Galabungas" – TMNT-style parties in key U.S. cities – to celebrate the TMNT phenomenon throughout the years; and a mobile reunion tour that will travel across the country bringing families and friends together to participate in TMNT-themed events.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made their world premiere in May 1984, in a comic book created by Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman and published and distributed by Mirage Studios. A hugely successful TV series quickly followed, along with three successful theatrical films. In 2003, the Turtles were re-introduced to a new generation through a fresh animated television series, a CGI-animated theatrical movie and new merchandising program. The 25th year of TMNT will provide fans with radical, new, stimulating opportunities to experience the Turtles.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Comic-Con: Preview Night

It's been a long day, but we've all survived the monster that has become Preview Night. This used to be a time to run around the Con floor with a smaller crowd, but the crowd was in force tonight.

Tonight's big items came from the NECA booth where the Black & White box set of figures ($50) was for sale along with the Mouser 3-pack ($20). Also on display were three new figures due for release this fall: Shredder, a Foot Soldier (with Utrom), and a Foot Elite.

Kevin Eastman's Bodycount reprint ($20) is a hit as a long and regular line formed at the Heavy Metal booth where Kevin was personally doing detailed and intricate sketches in each one (no additional fee).

Those two stops and buying way too many Doctor Who action figures were literally all I got accomplished tonight (although that's all I was aiming for), so I barely got a look at the Con floor. There's more Turtle goodies hiding around somewhere. The passports weren't out tonight, but supposedly will be tomorrow.

And virtually all of my day tomorrow is dedicated to Doctor Who, so I might not see too much else until Friday. We'll see.

Tales of the TMNT #48 Now Available

Tales of the TMNT #48, “The Decider,” is in comic shops today.

Be sure to check out the fantastic pinup art in this issue by the one and only tokka!!

Comic-Con Starts Today! A TMNT Preview

The day has finally arrived! Comic-Con is here!

Well, in truth it is Monday night and I'm writing this in advance as I will likely still be driving towards San Diego when this shows up on the Web.

But I'm taking this moment to give a final run-down of know TMNT-related events happening at the Con. Comparatively, it's not much. But it is more than last year, so it's not all bad.


  • TMNT Black & White Box Set - Limited to 500 pieces, retail price $50. Get yours signed by Kevin Eastman at the NECA booth on Thursday from 2pm-4pm.
  • TMNT Mouser 3-Pack - Edition details and price unknown (will update Wednesday night).


Pickup the limited hardcover reprint of BODYCOUNT by Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley at the Heavy Metal booth, booth #1629.

Softcover may also be available.

I'll update with prices Wednesday night.


Details on these remain vague, but they will apparently be available from a handful, if not all, TMNT licensees exhibiting at the show. It sounds as if stamps can be collected as part of a competition for prizes.

Also, be sure to watch, which is said to go live during the convention.


Tales of the TMNT artist Dario Brizuela will be signing at the IDW booth Thursday from 4pm-5pm.

Lastly, you can feel free to follow my Twitter feed for news as it happens (assuming Twitter decides to upload my texts). I'll try to do a full report each night (if there's anything to report), but Twitter is a way for me to post news immediately.

Do be aware that not everything posted to Twitter will necessarily be TMNT-related. In fact, it's very likely to be heavy with Doctor Who blithering. Especially Thursday.

Happy Comic-Con, all!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tristan Huw Jones Interview has a new interview of Tales of the TMNT writer, Tristan Huw Jones. Tristan talks about Tales #36, the upcoming Tales #50, and miscellaneous other things.

You can read the full interview here.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

TMNT25 Now on Twitter

If you have a Twitter account, you can now follow TMNT news via the new TMNT25 profile. This looks to be an extention of the TMNT 25th anniversary "shell-ebration," which officially kicks off next week during San Diego Comic-Con.

Stay tuned next week for complete coverage of Comic-Con and all TMNT news that crosses the floor of the convention hall.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Scratch That: No Movie News Yet

Yesterday it was reported that Playmates was confirming a new CGI/live action movie to be released in 2010. Today that news was quashed by Steve Murphy of Mirage.

Oh Playmates, have you really sunk that low to put lies on your Web site?

The new official statement on a future movie is:
Following the success of the TMNT theatrical release in 2007, Mirage Licensing is in negotiation with several companies about a new TMNT movie for release in 2010.

Fingers and toes shall remain crossed at good news in the near future!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

TMNT Display at the Indianapolis Children's Museum

Fan Goongasnootch recently shot these two videos from the Indianapolis Children's Museum's exhibit on comic books. Both videos showcase how the TMNT are featured in the exhibit - Very cool!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Unofficial Official TMNT Sequel News

It seems that fans tOkKa's and Putrescent's eyes have served them well and they have spotted some updates to Playmates' Web site.

There are some toy updates and a little bit of info on Back to the Sewer if you want to go looking, but the big news comes in the form of two paragraphs that reveal plans for a CGI/live action movie to be released in 2010 (see graphic).

As fantastic news as this is (although not completely surprising, as it has been somewhat hinted at), I find myself full of caution as I try to be optimistic. Imagi's continued involvement is what concerns me most.

The reason a full-CGI sequel agreement never happened between Imagi and Mirage was, seemingly, differences in opinion on where to take the story. Deciding to do a CGI/live action hybrid movie doesn't mean you don't have to worry about telling a good story. And as much as I absolutely love the look of the 2007 movie, I don't know how well those Turtles will blend with live action. I'm afraid this effort is going to come off looking like Garfield, when it really needs to look like Transformers.

I suppose only time will tell, so I will keep my fingers crossed that everyone involved in this project is truly interested in making a good movie and not just in selling another batch of action figures and other licensed crap. Hopefully we'll get some more concrete info on the project in the near future.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

TMNT Manhole Project

Check out this awesome, homemade TMNT manhole cover that Hans made!

Here's what Hans has to say about it:
My name is Hans and I've been an avid Turtle fan since the 80s. With the 25th Anniversary coming up I'm redecorating one of my bedrooms. I've come up with some great ideas and thought I'd just share one with you and anyone who would be interested if you decided to post it. If you look at the attached file, I made a custom mahole cover out of plywood, woodburning, paint, and plenty of free time. It took a couple days and the pics dont do justice. I'd recommend it as a fun craft project, plus it looks great on display. I only recommend patience and safety with the saw and woodburning!

You can take a look at the progress pictures of the manhole cover here. I think it's just fantastic!

UPDATE: Hans has provided pictures of the finished room!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

eBay Auctions: Saint Turtle + TMNT Manga!

I currently have some exciting Japanese TMNT items up for auction on eBay.

To the left you can see Saint Turtle, a Japanese-market exclusive TMNT action figure. It's about as awesome as action figures get.

Also available are five different volumes of the TMNT manga that adapts episodes of the original cartoon series.

You can view all of my eBay auctions here.

Good luck!

Friday, June 27, 2008

TMNT Flashback: Unpainted A.C. Farley Leonardo Bust

Awhile ago I shared with you the bronze version of A.C. Farley's Leonardo bust. At the same time I mentioned that there was an unpainted version. I couldn't show it to you then because I didn't have it. Well, now I do, so here it is.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Girls

Jenny sent me this video of herself, her friends, and her mom (go mom!) running around Chicago and saving it from evil zombies. Since I was completely amused by it and quite impressed with the amount of effort that they put into it, I'm sharing it with you. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Michaelangelo Balloon(s)

One of my best pals from High School, Erin, emailed this picture to me.

As I replied to her:
"That is awesome and yet equally disturbing!"

The more I look at it, the more I think that should be rephrased to, "That is awesomely disturbing!"

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Iowa Flooding

Brandon Stearns helps to remove flood-damaged items from his 83-year-old grandmother's home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Iowa's biggest cities were submerged Sunday after swollen rivers forced thousands of residents to flee their homes amid devastating floods in the Midwestern US state.

(AFP/Getty Images/Scott Olson)

Friday, June 13, 2008

eBay Auction: TMNT Fast Forward Plush Toys

Here's something I never anticipated seeing. Ever.

These Fast Forward plush toys strike me as something you would find in an arcade claw game. What I can't help but love about them is the distinctly unique expressions each one is giving, and with a level of anger not typical of Fast Forward.

Mike and Don in particular seem a bit angry beyond their character. Although in this case I think I like it. Actually, it quite amuses me. ^_^

ebay auction #360061584150
Disclaimer: This is not my auction, I do not know the seller, and I cannot vouch for the seller.

NECA SDCC Exclusive Box Set Details Revealed

NECA today released the details for the exclusive box set of Turtles they'll have at this year's Comic-Con in San Diego. The box will be virtually identical to the set that was available at New York Comic-Con, only this set will include the new black & white-painted variant Turtles.

Each set will come with a certificate signed by co-creator Peter Laird, and co-creator Kevin Eastman will be on hand to sign each box. This and the exclusive 3-pack of mousers certainly adds some special excitement for TMNT fans attending this year's Con!

You can read the full details about this exclusive at NECA's Web site.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Model & Toy Collector: 1991 TMNT Special

In response to Ryan Brown's post on his blog today with the Fall 1988 issue of Model and Toy Collector, here's the cover to the monster "Special #3" issue that wasn't kidding when it called itself a 1991 Buying Guide.

This thing is PACKED full of the TMNT goodies. Interviews, art, product pictures, more art! There's even an article with pictures of Ryan's Hallowieners characters.

I think magazines often get overlooked a lot as far as collectibles go. Yeah, they're probably not something to invest in if you're looking to make a profit, but for a devoted fan they can be a wealth of information and pictures. Unfortunately, this holds more true for the magazines of 10-20 years ago. Current magazines tend to be more likely to all be recycling the same information and especially the same pictures. Not one magazine article about last year's TMNT movie had a unique picture. The article that appeared in the Sci-Fi Channel's magazine was so poorly written and full of misinformation that I couldn't even bring myself to purchase it.

Luckily, the TMNT hit their stride during a period of time when there was no Internet and underground fanzines and genre magazines were the only way to get information about your favorite comics, TV shows, and movies. Because of this, there is a seemingly endless supply of fantastic TMNT articles from a whole range of magazines. This particular issue of Model & Toy Collector is easily among the best of them. I'll keep in mind to post some of my other favorites in the future.

Dario Brizuela to Appear at Comic-Con!

Dario Brizuela (probably my favorite of the new artists to hit the TMNT scene in recent years) has just announced on his blog that he will be appearing at San Diego Comic-Con at the IDW Publishing booth.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

NECA Packaging: Clamshell vs. Tube

I am doing a horrible job at restraining myself when it comes to these NECA figures. I really shouldn't need more than one of each, and since I open all of my toys, I shouldn't have anything in the packaging. Buuut... I decided awhile ago to keep one Mike in the clamshell packaging, since it's quite sharp looking. Then the "tube" packaging came out and I decided I'd get Mike in one of those, too. I had to go to eBay for that and I finally got him today. Above is a comparison of the two. It's hard to believe it's really the same figure!

I really like the tube packaging. I'd love to have a bunch of these to stack in a display! But no, I will restrain myself there. I have to stop somewhere. As it stands, I ended up with a second clamshell Mike that is still unopened, I have a basic box set on the way, not to mention the NYCC Exclusive set that I also have. Oy!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Let's face it, patches aren't just for Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Grown-ups like patches, too. It's not uncommon for small groups and organizations to create custom patches. It's also, oddly, not uncommon for licensed characters to appear on these patches. I have some such patches from Boy Scouts and fire houses that feature Turtles, but this one for NASA is my favorite. It's also the only such patch I've seen that's used art from an official TMNT artist. Anything based on A.C. Farley's work is über-appealing to me!

UPDATE: Here's the official NASA page that explains the patch design:
The modules are named for significant engineers in Italian history, Rafaello, Leonardo and Donatello. This is the logo for the 3 Italian named modules developed by MPLM team members.  The logo, copyrighted by Mirage Studios, depicts a ninja turtle in an astronaut flight suit.   

A.C. Farley has also posted the artwork on his Facebook page, and had this to add:
They got in touch with Mirage and asked if we would do the patch. I got to do it because I am in love with the space program. They made enameled metal pins, embroidered patches and jackets and other stuff I never even seen.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kirby, The Fifth Turtle

Back when I posted about The Other Fourth Movie, someone requested to see the Kirby concept sketches from Kevin's Artobiography. Well, I just stumbled upon a snapshot of the sketches I took awhile ago, so here you are!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Eric Talbot Arts Again

Eric Talbot has arted in his sketchbook yet again and shared the results on his blog. Lots of neat little details to check out on this one!

Leo and Usagi

A few weeks ago Stan Sakai posted this drawing of Leonardo and Usagi Yojimbo by Peter Laird to his blog. I was going to post it here then, but Stan scanned it in so darn big that I was fighting a losing battle with my computer trying to clean it up and resize it. Well, as of yesterday I have a shiny new computer, and it was able to handle the original file just fine. ^_^

Check out the date on this one - Very old school!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

TMNT Flashback: "Music Raph"

In honor of the recently revealed "Music Don" action figure showcased at The 5th Turtle, here's a look at how a "Music Turtle" was interpreted by someone who actually knows something about Ninja Turtles, the fantabulous Ryan Brown.

T-shirt, guitar, and no crazy chap pants - What a concept!

Don't miss Playmates' defense for "Music Don", posted today by Murphy. Thanks for all the love, Playmates. We're sending it right back atcha.

Interview with Dan Berger

Today, Newsarama has an interview with The Man himself, Dan Berger. Dan talks about what's on the horizon for the Tales of the TMNT title and a few other things. Admittedly, there isn't a whole lot of, if any, new info here, but it's always good to hear from Dan!

You can read the full interview here.

Tomorrow, Newsarama will have an interview with Steve Murphy.