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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

eBay Auctions: TMNT Manga!

Yes, I'm going to shamelessly pimp my own auctions.

I just imported some of the TMNT manga that adapted episodes of the original cartoon and I'm selling the extras on eBay.

When I describe these as super rare, I'm not kidding - I scour eBay every day for TMNT stuff, and I can't tell you that I've EVER seen these available before.

Volumes 1-5 are up for auction right now! You can click here to view all of the auctions and bid! Good luck!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

TMNT 3 Press Photo: Paige Turco with Elias Koteas

I recently purchased a TMNT 3 press kit off eBay that included seven color slides. I received the kit today and was amazed at this particular slide, as I can't say I've ever see this photo before. And because it's such an adorable picture, I had to scan it and share it right away!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

25th Anniversary "Shell-abration" Plans Teased

Murphy has posted the 25th anniversary logo (left) and a link to a brief article outlining Mirage's relationship with Peppercom, the PR agency that will be in charge of next year's 25th anniversary activities.

While no specific details are given, some basic ideas are alluded to.
  • TMNT will have a significant presence at Toy Fair and Comic-Con (I'm assuming San Diego).
  • In some fashion, the Turtles will "tour" the US.
  • The campaign will focus on both old fans and new fans.
Murphy has previously announced at The 5th Turtle that as part of the 25th anniversary celebration, Mirage will publish a trade paperback of the first run of Volume 1 comics ("remastered" versions), a "very special" expanded reprint of TMNT #1, and the long-awaiting final tale of the TMNT Adventures universe, The Forever War.

The TMNT made their comic book debut on May 5, 1984, which is the date used to mark their official anniversary.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

NECA Figures Unboxed!

Yesterday I finally received the phone call I've been waiting for - My comic shop had received the case of TMNT NECA action figures I had ordered through them! A whole case! MINE!!!

But alas, I'm not keeping the whole case. That's a bit excessive even for me (not to say that it isn't tempting!). After some time with a box cutter, I had myself four Turtles.

If you aren't lucky enough to have your comic shop deliver these fantastic figures virtually to your door, they are now being spotted in several retail stores. Suncoast is one store where they've been seen, but due to the closure of many Suncoast stores in recent years, you may have better luck looking for a Hot Topic, where they've also been seen. And if all else fails, they're now available on Hot Topic's Web site, here.

Tales of the TMNT #45 Now Available

Tales of the TMNT #45, a tale of terror told and illustrated by Jim Lawson, arrived in comic shops yesterday. If your shop still isn't ordering it even after showing them all of your best ninja moves, you can get it direct from Mirage at

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Eric Talbot Convention Sketches

Eric Talbot has posted a sample of some of the sketches he did at this past weekend's New York Comic-Con on his blog.

Great stuff!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

TMNT Vol. 4 #29 Now Available

Last Friday, TMNT Vol. 4 #29 was made available for download through

Anyone who needs help getting a Wowio account (including international friends) can feel free to contact me and I'll do what I can. However, I have had issues with receiving the Wowio confirmation emails, so I can't guarantee speediness on the matter.

You can also order a hard copy of the comic directly from for $10 + shipping (what a deal).