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Showing posts with label sdcc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sdcc. Show all posts

Saturday, February 21, 2009

TMNT Perform at the 2006 San Diego Comic-Con Masquerade

In 2006, after more than two years of pain in getting the Turtles costumes we commissioned delivered, and then wearable, four friends -- Dawnatello, Brinatello, GreenWillow, and Kimnardo -- and I braved the often brutal Comic-Con masquerade audience so that we could get jiggy to the original TMNT cartoon theme song and the ubiguetous Ninja Rap.

Despite a near-complete lack of vision, no one fell off the stage (there are actually catchers in case you do!) and, for the most part, we pulled off our small bit of choreographed dance during the Ninja Rap. Not only did the crowd love us, but much to our surprise, we actually won a prize! And let me tell you, the look on the face of the guys awarding the "Best Movie Costume Recreation" award as five short women came running on stage in their de-masked costumes was as priceless as any other moment during the night!

Here are some videos from several different angles:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Comic-Con International to Recognize TMNT 25th Anniversary

Today, Comic-Con International released the themes and anniversaries it will recognize and celebrate at this year's event in San Diego, July 23-26. And yes, the 25th anniversary of the TMNT is among the celebrations!

For information on how to submit art and/or articles for consideration for this year's souvenir book, click here.

Now that's some Turtle Power!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Comic-Con: Round Up

Hmm, I never did post summaries of Saturday and Sunday. Well, there was nothing of real note to relate on the TMNT front, so I let myself be totally and completely overwhelmed and consumed by the rest of the Con. I'm still recovering, including a slight dose of illness, but it's nothing compared to how deathly ill I got after the Con last year. Anywho, here's a look at some of my TMNT swag from the Con.

Here's what I think became my favorite TMNT acquisition from the Con. I was at the Heavy Metal booth, in Kevin Eastman's sketch line, expecting to get another Turtle sketch. But then I thought about it and it occurred to me that it would be pretty kickass to have a Foot Elite - one of the rare bad guy characters that I absolutely love - drawn by The Master. So that's what I asked for and that's what I got. Not only is it kickass, it's also more unique than a Turtle sketch, of which I already have a couple.

Speaking of which, here's one of them. In each Bodycount hardcover that Kevin sold, he was doing a full sketch of your choice in the front (assuming you were willing to wait in his constantly long line). There are many awesome things about Kevin, but I think it's particularly awesome that he is willing to do such sketches for anyone who asks and he also puts a considerable amount of time and detail into each sketch. And since he's such an awesome guy (and a millionaire), he never ever charges a fee.
(On a related note: Peter Laird charges $20 at Cons for a scribble.)

This last item of note is a sketch of Michaelangelo by my personal favorite of the new batch of TMNT artists, Dario Brizuela.

There are many reasons why I love Comic-Con, and thus continue to attend. The TMNT swag is just a small part of it. Seeing and meeting people I respect and look up to is another small part. A big part of it is the awesome friends that I get to hang out with for the duration; for some of them it's the only time I'll see them for the entire year.

But the other thing I love about Comic-Con is just the general atmosphere. For five days a year 125,000 people gather in one space to celebrate what can be summed up as simple geekdom. We are female and male, we are young and old, and we are all races and nationalities and species (can't forget those Klingons). We love comic books and movies and television and over the course of these five days, they love us back. For the minutes or hours that I'm standing in a line, I can hold a conversation with the person standing next to me because, even though we don't know each other and will probably never meet again, we speak the same language: Geek. And I think it's pretty awesome when you can do that with nearly any of the 125,000 attendees (and sappy, I know).

Friday, July 25, 2008

Comic-Con: Thursday & Friday

So much going on here that I haven't had much time to sit and compose anything coherent.

Thursday the TMNT passports made their debut. There are three booths that you run around to to get stamps and eventually throw your name into a fishbowl to enter a giveaway. But if you aren't at Comic-Con, don't fret - the contest being entered here is exactly the same thing you enter yourself in through the newly launched Web site.

Yesterday afternoon myself and Tokka got to briefly meet and converse with TMNT writer Jake Black and TMNT artist Dario Brizuela, both of whom are fantastic people. I also met with Jake again briefly today. He reports that TMNT director Kevin Munroe is wandering the show floor, though I haven't seen him around myself.

Here's a pic of the back of the manhole cover included with the SDCC exclusive Mouser 3-pack:

You can view all of my Comic-Con photos here, although not all are TMNT-related.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Comic-Con: Preview Night

It's been a long day, but we've all survived the monster that has become Preview Night. This used to be a time to run around the Con floor with a smaller crowd, but the crowd was in force tonight.

Tonight's big items came from the NECA booth where the Black & White box set of figures ($50) was for sale along with the Mouser 3-pack ($20). Also on display were three new figures due for release this fall: Shredder, a Foot Soldier (with Utrom), and a Foot Elite.

Kevin Eastman's Bodycount reprint ($20) is a hit as a long and regular line formed at the Heavy Metal booth where Kevin was personally doing detailed and intricate sketches in each one (no additional fee).

Those two stops and buying way too many Doctor Who action figures were literally all I got accomplished tonight (although that's all I was aiming for), so I barely got a look at the Con floor. There's more Turtle goodies hiding around somewhere. The passports weren't out tonight, but supposedly will be tomorrow.

And virtually all of my day tomorrow is dedicated to Doctor Who, so I might not see too much else until Friday. We'll see.

Comic-Con Starts Today! A TMNT Preview

The day has finally arrived! Comic-Con is here!

Well, in truth it is Monday night and I'm writing this in advance as I will likely still be driving towards San Diego when this shows up on the Web.

But I'm taking this moment to give a final run-down of know TMNT-related events happening at the Con. Comparatively, it's not much. But it is more than last year, so it's not all bad.


  • TMNT Black & White Box Set - Limited to 500 pieces, retail price $50. Get yours signed by Kevin Eastman at the NECA booth on Thursday from 2pm-4pm.
  • TMNT Mouser 3-Pack - Edition details and price unknown (will update Wednesday night).


Pickup the limited hardcover reprint of BODYCOUNT by Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley at the Heavy Metal booth, booth #1629.

Softcover may also be available.

I'll update with prices Wednesday night.


Details on these remain vague, but they will apparently be available from a handful, if not all, TMNT licensees exhibiting at the show. It sounds as if stamps can be collected as part of a competition for prizes.

Also, be sure to watch, which is said to go live during the convention.


Tales of the TMNT artist Dario Brizuela will be signing at the IDW booth Thursday from 4pm-5pm.

Lastly, you can feel free to follow my Twitter feed for news as it happens (assuming Twitter decides to upload my texts). I'll try to do a full report each night (if there's anything to report), but Twitter is a way for me to post news immediately.

Do be aware that not everything posted to Twitter will necessarily be TMNT-related. In fact, it's very likely to be heavy with Doctor Who blithering. Especially Thursday.

Happy Comic-Con, all!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

TMNT25 Now on Twitter

If you have a Twitter account, you can now follow TMNT news via the new TMNT25 profile. This looks to be an extention of the TMNT 25th anniversary "shell-ebration," which officially kicks off next week during San Diego Comic-Con.

Stay tuned next week for complete coverage of Comic-Con and all TMNT news that crosses the floor of the convention hall.

Friday, June 13, 2008

NECA SDCC Exclusive Box Set Details Revealed

NECA today released the details for the exclusive box set of Turtles they'll have at this year's Comic-Con in San Diego. The box will be virtually identical to the set that was available at New York Comic-Con, only this set will include the new black & white-painted variant Turtles.

Each set will come with a certificate signed by co-creator Peter Laird, and co-creator Kevin Eastman will be on hand to sign each box. This and the exclusive 3-pack of mousers certainly adds some special excitement for TMNT fans attending this year's Con!

You can read the full details about this exclusive at NECA's Web site.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dario Brizuela to Appear at Comic-Con!

Dario Brizuela (probably my favorite of the new artists to hit the TMNT scene in recent years) has just announced on his blog that he will be appearing at San Diego Comic-Con at the IDW Publishing booth.
