Happy New Year! 2014 has arrived, and it's looking to be a big year for the TMNT. The biggest event, of course, will be the release of the new live action movie, currently scheduled for August 8 (still my birthday). Although we have yet to be shown what the Turtles will look like in their CGI forms, toys for the movie have been in development for awhile. And now is beginning the season of Toy Fair season.
At one such Toy Fair in Russia, some lucky individuals were able to get a glimpse at these new figures. Unfortunately, pictures were not allowed. However, one person put together a fairly detailed report of what he saw.
Read the full report.

Amongst the figures on display were the four Turtles, Splinter, April, Shredder, and a Foot Soldier.
The Turtles are noted to each have different physiques and different clothing. The designs are described as being "traditional," whatever that might mean.
Splinter has more of a "Fu Manchu" vibe going on.
April is dressed like we saw Megan Fox dressed in the many set pictures taken during filming last summer. However, the figure apparently doesn't look much like her.
Shredder is described has having an abundance of pointy edges poking out of him everywhere.
The Foot Soldiers mimic the guys in drab that were also seen on set.
Again, you'll want to read the full report to get the best feel. More toy shows will be taking place in the next couple of months, including Toy Fair in New York. If we don't see the action figures ourselves sooner, we definitely will then.
Like all other TMNT action figures ever, these are being made by Playmates Toys.