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Monday, June 9, 2008


Let's face it, patches aren't just for Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Grown-ups like patches, too. It's not uncommon for small groups and organizations to create custom patches. It's also, oddly, not uncommon for licensed characters to appear on these patches. I have some such patches from Boy Scouts and fire houses that feature Turtles, but this one for NASA is my favorite. It's also the only such patch I've seen that's used art from an official TMNT artist. Anything based on A.C. Farley's work is über-appealing to me!

UPDATE: Here's the official NASA page that explains the patch design:
The modules are named for significant engineers in Italian history, Rafaello, Leonardo and Donatello. This is the logo for the 3 Italian named modules developed by MPLM team members.  The logo, copyrighted by Mirage Studios, depicts a ninja turtle in an astronaut flight suit.   

A.C. Farley has also posted the artwork on his Facebook page, and had this to add:
They got in touch with Mirage and asked if we would do the patch. I got to do it because I am in love with the space program. They made enameled metal pins, embroidered patches and jackets and other stuff I never even seen.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kirby, The Fifth Turtle

Back when I posted about The Other Fourth Movie, someone requested to see the Kirby concept sketches from Kevin's Artobiography. Well, I just stumbled upon a snapshot of the sketches I took awhile ago, so here you are!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Eric Talbot Arts Again

Eric Talbot has arted in his sketchbook yet again and shared the results on his blog. Lots of neat little details to check out on this one!

Leo and Usagi

A few weeks ago Stan Sakai posted this drawing of Leonardo and Usagi Yojimbo by Peter Laird to his blog. I was going to post it here then, but Stan scanned it in so darn big that I was fighting a losing battle with my computer trying to clean it up and resize it. Well, as of yesterday I have a shiny new computer, and it was able to handle the original file just fine. ^_^

Check out the date on this one - Very old school!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

TMNT Flashback: "Music Raph"

In honor of the recently revealed "Music Don" action figure showcased at The 5th Turtle, here's a look at how a "Music Turtle" was interpreted by someone who actually knows something about Ninja Turtles, the fantabulous Ryan Brown.

T-shirt, guitar, and no crazy chap pants - What a concept!

Don't miss Playmates' defense for "Music Don", posted today by Murphy. Thanks for all the love, Playmates. We're sending it right back atcha.

Interview with Dan Berger

Today, Newsarama has an interview with The Man himself, Dan Berger. Dan talks about what's on the horizon for the Tales of the TMNT title and a few other things. Admittedly, there isn't a whole lot of, if any, new info here, but it's always good to hear from Dan!

You can read the full interview here.

Tomorrow, Newsarama will have an interview with Steve Murphy.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

TMNT: Back to the Sewer - Update

This is a general post to acknowledge the existence of "TMNT: Back to the Sewer", the new season of the 4Kids cartoon that will begin airing this Fall.

Character style art has been drifting out through the fake "blog" on for about the last month or so. And there was the big "reveal" of the logo on the same "blog," at The Fifth Turtle, and on I've purposely avoided reporting all of this because I haven't forgotten the pledge I made back in February.

I don't think there's much to report beyond the release of the character style art that you can see on the above Web sites. Oh, there was the theme song contest a couple months ago. If anyone missed out on that I could probably post the MP3s.

I'm going to continue to not acknowledge this series, although I'm sure I'll make a mention of it right before the premiere and I'll let you know what I think after the premiere.